
Personality & career assessments are tools that are designed to help individuals understand how a variety of personal attributes (i.e., interests, values, preferences, motivations, aptitudes and skills), impact their potential success and satisfaction with different career options and work environments.

Two misconceptions many people hold are that:

i) career or personality assessments are “tests” (with correct/incorrect or good/bad answers), and
ii) career or personality assessments will tell them what to do with their lives.

Both of these thoughts could not be farther from the truth. Well developed, researched and evidence-based assessments will not tell you what you "should" do. They can, however, help you sort out thoughts and ideas about majors, fields of interest, occupations and career paths.


Western Assessment Resources

Clifton Strengths

Discover what you naturally do best, explain in a positive way who you are & thrive in and out of school 

Digital Challenge Cards

Sort the digital challenge cards & identify problems you are most interested in solving

(Click Sign Up, create Student account,
use code: WesternU)

Career Cruising

Compete Matchmaker or Learning Style Inventory Assessment via Career Cruising

UserID: success | Password: mustang


Other Career & Personality Assessments

Holland Code (RAISEC) Assessment

16 Personalities

Insight Work Values Inventory

Keirsey Assessment

O*Net Interest Profiler

Government of Canada Career Quizzes