Take Action

Actively searching for a job or career isn't the same as simply sending out your resume to every online posting for which you are qualified. By building a network of professionals working on problems you one day hope to, you put yourself in a better position for learning opportunities such as internships and co-op placements. These experiences, combined with information gathering activities like job fairs and info sessions, allow you to strategically apply to the right jobs for you, setting you up for less frustration and higher rates of success.

Build a Network

Learn how to strengthen your connections and build positive relationships with potential employers.

Information Sessions

Get the information you need from employers you want to hear from. Check out who's coming to Western!

hirewesternu Fairs

Engage multiple potential employers at a fair to put your name on their radar.

Job Search

Job searching is an art form and there are no one-size-fits-all scenarios. Discover how to effectively search for employment.


Get hands-on experience in a sector, industry, or are that interests you. Try your job out today!

Safe Job Searching

More than ever our job searching practices must be thorough and thoughtful to discern legitimate opportunities. Learn about safe job searching to protect yourself!